Helping Build New Friendships Since 2014 

Daily life is like the weather. We love it when the sun shines and the going is easy, but sometimes it rains, snows or even hails.

Then we find ourselves stuck behind roadblocks


Here at FUN we strive to build bridges that offer pathways over or around those little hiccups that pop up.


Friends United of WNY (FUN) is a volunteer 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that server communities throughout WNY. We are an inclusive program that creates opportunities for people to work together to create unification. Volunteers are always welcome. Come and join us!

Note: All programs and events will have in attendance a volunteer certified in CPR and Community First Aid




Our bowling program runs on Sunday mornings, 10:00 am to ~12:00 noon, from September through June (October and January are exceptions).

We are pleased to have with us Mary Wilkinson as our Head Coach of Athletics! Her many years of experience coaching individuals with special needs will serve us wonderfully well into the future!



Our culinary program runs on Tuesday nights from 6:30pm-8:30pm from September through June. During class, our students will learn safety skills, sanitation practices, and meal preparation. Our classes are all-inclusive to anyone that loves to cook.




During all our recreational activities, we promote working together, socializing, and most of all, fun. Our activities are all-inclusive to anyone that loves to be active and is seeking to create new friendships.

Currently, we offer a seasonal nature walk program. With any luck, this will expand in the near future. Please check back for updates!

Please take a look at our required program participation forms and liability information. Feel free to contact us with any questions you may have!

Special Events

Board of Directors

Vice President/Treasurer


Mary Wilkinson

Cheryl Nowicki


Michael Sokol

Active Program Lead

Michael Juby